Donate to Ukraine
Please stand with us at MSAR to support the war ravaged people of Ukraine, who desperately need help from the rest of the sane World!
- Once you have 1 or more item(s) in your shopping basket, click on the basket icon at the top of each page, to view your shopping basket page.
- On the 'Shopping Basket' page, you will see a drop down list, right at the bottom of the page, with the text 'Add to Your Order' next to it.
- Simply click the drop down arrow and choose the 'Ukraine Donation' amount you wish to make and it will automatically be added to your order.
- Obviously you can also change the quantity of the denomination, to achieve a different donation total as desired, should you wish to.
We've added all the Ukraine Donation amount links below, just to make it even easier for you, thank you again for all your help!
Ukraine Donations